Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 1 Milestones

Today marks the first week of life for baby Kallan Marie! We have had such a great time snuggling her and loving on her. Things have gone really well for the most part. A couple nearly sleepless nights, a couple stressful moments. But overall, we have had a great week! Things don't seem too crazy yet, being a mom of two. I'm sure once Kallan starts growing and spending more time awake then things will get a little bit more hectic!

So what's gone on in this family of four this week?

1. Lyla went pee in her potty! We were reading a potty book and she suddenly wanted to be a 'big girl' and sat on her potty... for an hour and a half. And then finally went!! We had a great celebration full of "Hooray's" and chocolate covered dried cherries! YUM!

2. Breastfeeding success!

3. Breastfeeding related breakdown!

4. First big sister temper tantrum... when Daddy was carrying Kallan and Lyla wanted UP. "Just carry Lyla, just carry Lyla!" Other than that, Lyla has been adjusting really well... so far!

5. Kallan slept in her Pack 'n Play bassinet thing! The first night she would instantly wake up whenever we set her down, so we took turns just HOLDING her all night long.  The next night we got her to sleep in the baby swing.  But now it seems like she is growing accustomed to lying down. Last night she slept in there all night... and by all night I mean in increments of 2-3 hrs. But that means I got to sleep for 2-3 hrs at a time, too!

6. First time out and about in our DOUBLE STROLLER! That thing is heavy with two children!

7. Realizations that our family has changed... when we say "our girls" or refer to Lyla as "our oldest." How strange to refer to your first baby as the "oldest"!

8. First name mispronunciations. Likely the first of many. Sorry Kallan. :(

9. Kallan's first sponge bath! She didn't like it but she DID seem to like having the water run over her hair.

10. And to celebrate a great first week, we are off to the "cottage home" for the weekend to see family and celebrate Tim's 21st birthday! Kallan's first road trip and first time to the cottage! Lyla is SO excited. She has been looking forward to it all week! There will be 15 of us in one house. Sounds crazy, right? I'm sure it will be, but only in the best way!

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