Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bed Rest Life

So bed rest is going alright so far, although I feel like a useless lump on the couch, and my medicine gives me horrible night sweats. Yuck. Here are some phone pics from the past 5 days... can't believe it's been 5 days already! We are now 33 weeks!

Meds at the hospital
Settlers of Catan in the hospital
Erik's sleeping situation.. clearly very comfortable..
view from the couch of Lyla & Daddy play time
A picture Erik sent me from the park today! Looks like a beautiful day out!
My instructions are to be lying on my left side as much as possible.. clearly baby has noticed and has settled in on the left side of my belly.
I'm also supposed to drink a glass of water every hour. So far my day mainly consists of laying down and peeing.

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