Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Day in the Park

We'd been taking advantage of the 'cooler' days and spending lots of time outdoors!

We usually bring a ball (or two) to kick around. Lyla loves to kick. She loves to watch soccer. There's a soccer field right by our parking lot and during the year, we usually stop and watch for awhile if there's a game going. Now, a lot of people still come to play pick-up. Lyla gets upset because she wants to play, too... so we don't always end up watching for too long. 

And yes, poor Lyla has an ouchie on her face! One of the difficult things about your baby growing up is that they run around all over the place and sometimes wipe-out. Lyla recently face planted in some bark chips at the play ground.. poor girl! But I think mommy was more upset about it than her!

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