Saturday, September 1, 2012


So I never really did a "two year" post for Miss Lyla!

There's that pretty girl! And yes, I got this photo idea from pinterest... :)

I can't believe she is 2 already! So what is this 2 year old up to??

Lyla weighs in at 24 lbs 6 oz. She is 34 inches tall. She sleeps 11 hours at night, and takes a 2-3 hour nap every day. She eats like a champ! Her favorite foods are any kind of fruit, Gogurt, pancakes with syrup, and pasta, but she'll eat most things... even lima beans and Greek yogurt! Any kind of potato is off the menu. She loves her stuffed animals AKA "buddies." At night she sleeps with Green Mono, Brown Mono, Dora, Diego, Swiper, Puppy, and Bear.

She is loving, caring, smart, independent, funny, ticklish, thoughtful, helpful, goofy, cautious, imaginative, spontaneous, stubborn, sometimes bashful, beautiful and perfect in every way!

She is an artist, a soccer ball kicker, a volleyball swinger, a Dora aficionada, a milk chugger, a bookworm, a lover of words and letters, a singer, a clapper, a ukulele player, a beach bum, a puppy chaser, a Mommy and Daddy imitator... I could go on forever!

Some of my favorite things about having a two year old:
Hugs, kisses and eskimo kisses, laying in bed telling stories about Princess Grandma or Prince Daddy (stories must include a horsey), laugh fests, her quiet moments with a favorite book, playing pretend, making up silly words, singing songs, watching her sponge up every new thing, listening to her "read" books out loud, talking together, sleepy snuggles... again, I think I could go on forever! This is such a fun age where so much personality is shining through!

Can't wait for more fun and more adventures with our sweet, little girl!

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