Friday, August 31, 2012

2 Weeks Down

It's hard to believe that two weeks have already gone by since I left the hospital. That's two more weeks of growing and developing for our baby girl! Today we are 34 weeks and 5 days. Every day that goes by, I breathe a little easier!

Bed rest seems to be both easier and harder as time goes on.

Easier, because I feel RESTED! Obviously, I am laying down pretty much all day, how else would I feel? Most of the side effects of the medication have gone away, so I don't have to lie around feeling sick all day. I have a healthy appetite again. And many of the aches and pains that plagued me during this pregnancy (maybe a sign to slow down?) are pretty much gone!

Harder, because as I feel better, I want to DO more. I catch myself thinking... "Since I can sit for meals, it's probably okay if I sit and fold this laundry..." or "I could probably just clean up these couple of things..." Things that are starting to look like harmless activity.  As we get further along in our pregnancy, I feel less panicked and more relaxed. But I don't want to feel TOO relaxed, I don't want to blow off doctor's orders. So every time I get the urge to do anything I am not supposed to be doing, I just think of our beautiful, growing baby who has much more growing to do. And I think of my Dr. saying, "Sometimes resting makes all the difference."

So here I lay, all the day long, up for bathroom breaks and food.

My doctor said we'll talk again about lifting some of the restrictions at 36 weeks (if baby hasn't come by then, of course). I'm not too hopeful, since she said the same thing about 34 weeks! Unfortunately I had dilated a bit more at my 34 week appointment, so she was not interesting in letting me be up and about at all.

Fortunately, though the days seem to be crawling by, the weeks are going fast!

I'm trying not to set lofty goals. I want to be happy and proud of the weeks we've made it, and not disappointed about the weeks we didn't make it.... But obviously, I would be very happy if we could make it to 36 weeks!

Alrighty, off to another day of R&R!

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