Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Year of Baby Lyla

Our biggest baby is getting SO big.

A couple recent reminders that our baby is a big girl.

1. Extra long sentences.. i.e., "I don't want to go in the potty... don't have to!" or "Purple's all gone on this hand and purple's almost gone on this hand!" It blows my mind when she says something like that.

2. We can have little conversations, and there's nothing more fun than having a chat with your baby. This was super nice on bed rest because she'd come home from the park or grandma and grandpa's house, and I could ask her what she did there. She would tell me, "swing and slide." Or "Pet the kitties!" Little things like that. Today she looked deep in thought so I asked her what she was thinking about. She answered, "stairs." Interesting... and then she said she was thinking about the stairs at the "cottage home." She said, "Have carpet on them." Oh, a 2 year old's random thoughts!

3. She can open doors in our condo and sometimes open the door to the hall! We now keep our door locked.

4. She drinks out of a regular cup!

5. And of course, she is growing out of all her clothes :(

I wanted to pick out some baby pictures of Lyla to look back on Lyla's first year. We didn't really take official "month" pictures, but I basically took some of her every day. So here's Lyla's first year in pictures!
One day

One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Four Months

Five Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Eight Months

Nine Months

Ten Months

Eleven Months

One Year

And our baby now!

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