Oh my goodness, my own bed has NEVER felt so good, even if I'm confined to my left side... (this makes typing difficult).
Today it was concluded that my contractions were not making labor progress, so despite having some, I was still allowed to go home. They are really irregular, so I just have to go back if they start coming with any regularity or increase in pain. So far we're in good shape. I'm keeping a record of all contractions and their pain level... on a scale of 1-10. So far a 3 is "uf" and 5 is "ouch"... haven't gotten beyond there fortunately.
My doctor told me that women will have an increase in contractions between 6 and 10 because of the "moon and tides." I actually had a couple contractions an hour during this time and the last one was at 9:55, and I haven't had one since! Pregnancy is literally the weirdest thing ever.
I've noticed that contractions kind of correlate with my mood so I'm trying to stay upbeat and optimistic!
I also keep catching myself thinking.. "I could make it to 33 weeks... to 34 weeks....." But I am trying to keep small goals... truthfully, when I go to bed, I just want to get another night under our belt. Day by day!
Anyway it's weird to type on your side. Off to bed after a nice dose of medication!!
I don't know who reads this blog, but a million thanks to all the prayers, messages, calls, texts, etc!!!
Also today we were reunited with our Lyla baby!!! She is a little bothered that mommy can't get off the couch, but she is doing better with it than I thought she would!! So glad to have the family back together!
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