Wednesday, May 30, 2012


As of yesterday, Erik and I have been married a whole YEAR!  Looking back on this year, I know things haven't been perfect, and we've had a lot of ups and downs. We celebrated Lyla's first birthday, her first steps, her first words and a zillion after that. We lost a Mormor and a Grandma.  We found out what it was like to live, literally, from paycheck to paycheck. We've fought, and made up. We've gotten SO mad that we were both laughing hysterically at the end. We've found out about a new little bundle of joy arriving in the fall. We've supported and loved each other through everything.  People always say that the first year is the hardest, and I don't doubt it! We have learned so much about ourselves and each other in this year. I could list everything, but I'll just put a couple of the big things I feel I will take from our first year of marriage.

1. Don't place too much stock in other people's marriage advice. There's no 'cookie-cutter' way to make a marriage work. Every individual is different, every relationship is different, every marriage is different! So take advice into account, but really, it's up to you and your husband/wife/etc. to work out your own problems.
2. Example from number 1. People always told me, "Don't go to sleep angry." But honestly, at 1 in the morning, when we both have to get up in 4 or 5 hours, we've found it's better for us to calm down just enough to snuggle, go to sleep, and talk it out the next day when we can talk more like human beings and less like sleep deprived animals.
3. Unplug. No TV, computer, phone... just relax and talk together.
4. Have something fun you can do together regularly.. outside the house! We play volleyball whenever we get the chance. This is even more important for us as parents. It's hard to leave your little munchkin at home, but parents need alone time!
5. For us, it's important to remember, above all, that we're best friends. This is more than talking together , more than having fun together.. it's about being equal parts of a team.
6. Learn to laugh at yourself if you can't already. Or else you're in trouble!

We had an awesome weekend trip to Petoskey, MI for our anniversary. It was hard to leave Lyla but nice to take some time away for the two of us. We slept in, got up slowly, left without having to worry about packing snacks or where Lyla would be at naptime... We went to a movie, we stayed out late(-ish), read books... and had a nice relaxing trip! We were definitely ready to get back, but we had a really great time! Lyla stayed at the cottage with her Mormor, Grandpa and Uncle Tim! When we got there, Dan, Kristin, the girls and new baby Wyatt Daniel were all there, too! He is such a cute baby boy, and absolutely silent unless he's hungry! Lyla and Baby Dos are so lucky to have cousins their age. Wyatt and our little baby will only be about 4 months apart! They will be tearing up the beach together in no time!

In other news....... I think we have a first name picked out for the baby. It's a secret, I'm just taunting you all. =)

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