Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dreams & Gender

A lot of people have asked me what gender I think Baby Dos is. And I have to say ... I think it's a boy!  I guess because this pregnancy is so different than the first time around, but I just have a feeling! Even before I thought about it, I've been calling the baby a "him" and a "he" without meaning to.

There are about a million "wives' tales" about a baby's gender. Like what your belly looks like, what baby's heartbeat is, what you're craving. There's a ring test, a baking soda test, a Chinese gender test, etc etc. People say the hairline in the back of your firstborns' head will tell you the gender of the next. Some people will do EVERY SINGLE ONE. Honestly, we don't really care that much whether it's a boy or a girl, but I think it's hilarious how much stock people place in these kinds of things.

One thing I have noticed is an abundance of baby dreams, all involving a son. I've had two dreams that I gave birth in a pizza place, Jet's Pizza, specifically. Hopefully that one's not prophetic.... And another dream where I gave birth to our son... somewhere... on October 15. Hopefully that doesn't happen either, who wants to go over their due date?! Blah. I recently dreamt that our son was born and we hadn't decided on a name for him. We decided to call him "Taz" for the time being and wait until something came to us. Then the dream jumped to his college graduation and we were thinking, "Hm, maybe we'd better name him now." I woke up before we ever decided on something. Anyway I just think it's interesting that I'm having all these boy dreams! But I won't put too much faith in those either since the only baby dream I had when I was pregnant with Lyla was one about a talking cat in my translucent belly.

By the way, Taz isn't on our name list. Especially since our name list is still nonexistent...

Anyway, Lyla is waking up and crying now and saying "Cry!" "Sad!" Me time is over!


  1. When can you guys find out?? Soon isn't it? And I'm glad Taz isn't on your list because I'm tooootally gonna name my son Taz haha

  2. We find out the 23rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO SOON :)
