Yesterday I turned 25 years old.
I've been doing a lot of reflecting this much. January is the month I found out I was pregnant with Lyla (And Kallan actually). And I would say that would be the definite turning point in my life. On top of that, I turned 25. Mid-twenties, here I am!
If you had asked me going into my senior year of college what I'd be doing at 25, my answer would not have been anywhere close to "married, mom of two, stay at home mom." So here I am at 25, reflecting on how fast things change, on how our goals and priorities change. How I am not currently doing any of the things I thought I'd be doing.
I don't ever look at the past years of my life in regret or sadness. Yes, days are hard, being a mom is hard and sometimes, I feel like I simply can't do it anymore. But for every bad day, there are ten amazing days. The most amazing days of my life making up for what feels like the most exhausting ones. That's what being a mom is. I never thought I'd choose to stay home, but once Lyla was born, it was clear pretty early on that I couldn't choose anything else. These early years go fast.. and once they are in school, you don't get those early days back. I'll have the rest of my life to work!
I was always looking for the "next big adventure." But parenting is easily the biggest adventure of them all. I never look back at my old plans and wish I was there instead of where I am now. My life is filled with things that make me truly happy, and I am so grateful for that.
Here's to a great year of being 25!!
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