Who's 5 months old?!
Yep, this girl! Kallan Marie, nickname "The Googies"
Here's a 5 month update. As Lyla says, "Oh Kallan, you're getting big!" It's so true, she is just growing, growing, and learning new things all the time. She just loves to chomp, chomp, chomp. Here she is with her new favorite toy from Grandma and Grandpa.
And straight to the mouth.
Sleep: Kallan sleeps I think 8-10 hours every night. I think. It's funny how you don't keep track of every thing your baby does at every hour of the day the second time around. She is up for the day at around 9 or 10, unless Lyla gets her up earlier, which happens often. On a good day, she takes two short naps, and one long nap, but she is the lightest sleeper ever! I tried to nap her around us and noise every day to prevent this from happening.. but apparently it doesn't make a difference. Today I rustled a bag in the kitchen, and she woke up crying in our room. I guess it could be a coincidence.. but.. likely not. So far it works pretty good to play music in the room while she falls asleep and keep it on while she sleeps. Unless it's spotify, because the commercials wake her up...
Milestones: Rolling!!! Our roll-y baby is rolling every chance she gets. As soon as she's on her back, she'll be rolling onto her tummy. Even if she is tired of being on her tummy, she'll roll over anyway. She is getting pretty fast about it. She rolled over once from tummy to back, but I think it was an accident. She just kind of flung herself over, and then was like.. "What just happened?!" She is perfecting her grabbing skills and is starting to get frustrated when a toy is dropped and out of sight. Good thing she has such a great big sister there with her to help her out!
Ups: So many ups! Kallan is just a little lovey-dovey. She loves to just sit and observe with her hands on mine. When I change her diaper, she is constantly reaching for my arm, and when she gets a hold of it she brings it to her face for a little snuggle, and it makes her laugh! I think this is my favorite thing that she does lately. Everything makes her smile and laugh, it's really great to see her so happy all the time (unless she hasn't gotten a good nap in). It has been so fun to see her roll over, too, as she is so proud of herself and gives a big grin whenever she does it! I have loved watching her observe Lyla, and she always flashes her a big smile. She sometimes laughs when Lyla is laughing, but on the flip side, she'll cry when Lyla cries sometimes, too. If I have my hands full with something and Kallan starts fussing, Lyla runs over and says, "Goo gah goo gah, Kallan!!!" And Kallan always calms down. I love the smile she gives me when I get her in the morning, and the sleepy smile she gives me before going to bed. I'm the first thing she sees when she wakes up and the last thing she sees at night, and I couldn't be luckier. Ah, I could go on and on, we just love our little googies so much!
Downs: Well, still no bottle for Miss Kallan. It is quite frustrating, and we are trying every day. I think we have 7 types of bottles now, with varying speeds of nipple flow. Pacifier is still a hit or miss, too. So I am still a nursing machine, but it's ok. The hardest thing is nap time. Kallan just really doesn't like noise, and if I talk at all while nursing, she will stop, stare up at me like, "excuse me, I'm eating here." She'll do the same thing if Erik is sitting by us and he says anything. She'll crane her neck super far to give him the stare down. It's pretty hilarious, unless I'm exhausted and hoping she'll nap. With Lyla giving up her nap, it's just not really quiet enough for Kallan to take a really long nap every day, like I know she needs. I am trying to schedule Lyla's quiet time with Kallan's nap, but every day is different so it doesn't always work out. I am missing Lyla's nap desperately!
Likes: Mommy, the boob, putting her hands on us, studying new faces intently, rolling as soon as she's put down, her jingly owls, checking out her reflection, her new square teether, seeing Daddy when he gets home, laughing at her silly sister, laughing at anything, hugging Mommy's arm, getting dressed/undressed (although it seems to be getting less fun, sadly), bath, snuggling in bed, chewing on clothy objects, music - Daddy's guitar playing in particular
And making this face:
Dislikes: Bottles, although they do seem to make her laugh a bit, when she can't see anyone, when she drops a toy, too much tummy time, getting stuck on her tummy, loud noises - especially Daddy's big sneezes, when Lyla puts things on her head, being put down for too long
I just can't believe it's been 5 months already. Our littlest baby is getting so big, and more and more of her little personality is shining through each day. She is just full of happiness and giggles, often making herself laugh, but Daddy is still the funniest. She is loving and snuggly, and she seems to really like people. I think Lyla was already giving the pouty lip at this age to anybody that looked at her besides Mommy & Daddy. By the way, she can still stick out that bottom lip pretty well!
Love you Kallan Marie